Are you receiving all of your money?

Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for several tax credits on your return. The main credits VITA works with are:

Tax Credits
Child Tax Credit
  • U.S. citizen, U.S. National, or Resident Alien
  • Child must be your dependent under the age of 17
  • Child did not provide over half of your support
  • Child lived with you more than 6 months
  • Child has a valid SSN prior to the date of the return
  • Non-refundable credit up to $2,000 per child for those with federal tax liability

Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC)

  • A refundable credit, limited to $1,500 per child
  • Must have $2,500+ of taxable earned income if you have more than one child
  • May qualify for ACTC regardless of income with three or more children
Credit for Other Dependent
  • Child without a SSN who does not qualify for the child tax credit
  • Child who is 17+ or a qualifying adult dependent
  • U.S. citizen, U.S. National, or Resident Alien
  • Qualifying relatives with SSN, ITIN, or ATIN prior to return date
  • Non-refundable credit of $500 for other dependents
Earned Income Credit
  • Worked & earned income under $59,187
  • Investment income below $10,300 in tax year 2022
  • Valid SSN by the due date of your return (includes extensions)
  • U.S. citizen or a resident alien all year
  • Did not file Form 2555 (related to foreign earned income)
  • Refundable credit and must have earned income to qualify

Maximum Credit Amounts

  • No qualifying children: $560
  • One qualifying child: $3,733, two children: $6,164, three+ children: $6,935
Child & Dependent Care Credit
  • A dependent child under age 13 when expenses were incurred
  • Any person incapable of “self-care” claimed as a dependent, or who would have been, except for a gross income of $4,400+
  • A spouse not physically or mentally capable of “self-care”
  • Must have statement with name of provider, address, federal ID number, or valid SSN & phone number
  • Non-refundable credit: one child max amount excluded up to $3,000, two or more dependents, max amount excluded is $6,000
  • Expenses allow taxpayer to look for work, work, or attend college
  • Expenses include services for the dependent’s well-being & protection
  • Tuition is not an expense of care. Day-camps qualify, but overnight camps do not
Education Credit
  • Attend an approved post-secondary education institution
  • Working toward a degree or certification
  • Qualifying tuition and fees
  • Form 1098-T

American Opportunity Credit: Up to $2,500 credit with maximum $1,500 non-refundable payment/maximum $1,000 payment

Life-Time Learning Credit: Up to $2,000 credit per return with non-refundable credit limited to the total of tax paid on taxable income

Retirement Savings Contribution Credit
  • Contribution or deferral to an IRA or other qualified plan in 2022
  • AGI ≤ $34k Single, ≤ $51k Head of Household, ≤ $68k Filing Jointly
  • Born prior to January 2, 2005
  • Not a dependent on someone else’s return or full-time student
  • Non-refundable credit
  • Calculated based on income and retirement contributions
Residential Engery Credits

Part I – Residential Clean Energy Act

  • Qualified residential alternative energy equipment

Part II – Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit

  • Qualified energy efficiency home improvements
  • Energy efficient heating and cooling systems
  • Made to main home & meets version 6.0 Energy Star program

Part I: Out of Scope – see a paid professional tax preparer

Part II: In Scope

  • A combined credit of $500 ($200 for windows) per year for all tax years
  • after 2005
  • 50 for any advanced main air circulating fan
  • $150 for any natural gas, propane, or oil furnace, or hot water boiler
  • $300 for any item of energy-efficient building property
Credits for New Clean Vehicles
  • Bought a plug-in electric vehicle or fuel cell vehicle in 2023 or after
  • Bought for your own use primarily in the U.S., not for resale
  • May qualify for up to $7,500 for a new electric vehicle purchased in 2022 or earlier
  • This is a non-fundable credit; you cannot get back more than what you owe in taxes
Nebraska Property Tax Credit
  • Must own real estate in NE, e.g., your home, farmland
  • Must have paid real estate taxes in the year of your tax return
  • Must file a NE tax return, a NE Property Tax Credit, and Form PTC

Refundable credit

  • Receive 30% of school district property tax paid
  • Receive 30% of community college property tax paid

For more information regarding these tax credits, visit the IRS website.

Download our Tax Credits brochure