Financial Education Seminars

TCAN offers a variety of financial literacy and education workshops. If you would like more information or to schedule a workshop(s), please email or call 402-472-0857. TCAN can modify workshops to fit your needs or request a topic not listed below.


Budgeting – Do You Know Where Your Money is Going?

This interactive seminar will cover the need for budgeting, how to start a budget, and how to find additional resources to cover basic needs. Participants will create a budget using the 50/30/20 Rule and learn strategies to use in saving money while being “broke”.

Credit Score/Banking – Should I Be Concerned About My Credit History?

Yes, we all should be concerned about our credit history to take control of our banking and to stop fraud. This seminar will explore what actions have a negative impact on our banking history, how to access individual credit history, and strategies to use to increase credit scores while improving relationships with banks.

Debt/Loans – Is Debt Good or Bad? Isn’t debt bad?

The session will cover when debt can be a positive or negative in your financial life. What to look out for when you take out a loan and how to understand your loan and what to keep an eye out for. This seminar will also cover the types of loans, basic loan information, and predatory lending.

Tax Prep Readiness

Seems like tax season is around the corner! Do I need to file? How do I find a trustworthy tax preparer? What do I need to bring to my tax preparation appointment? Stop by this seminar to learn about how you can prepare for your tax filing appointment and reduce your stress.

W-4 and Other Start Up Documents

This seminar will cover how to fill out the “new” W-4 form and other employment starting documents such as the I-9 and NE W-4. Information about how employers calculate withholding will also be provided as the rates have changed over the years.

Tax Consequences – When do I owe taxes? / What Qualifies as Income, Is it Taxable?

Not every return will result in a refund, why might this be? Let us not stress, to understand why you owe, let us talk about income, taxable income, tax liability, and withholdings. The seminar will also cover how side hustle and life event income can affect your tax return.

Tax Credits – What Tax Credits are for ME?

There are many tax credits that taxpayers can use on their return. This seminar will discuss several of the credits available to eligible individuals such as the Earned Income Credit, Child Tax Credit, Education credits, Retirement credits, Energy credits, Child and dependent care credits and Education credits.

Health plans, FSA (Flexible Spending Account), HSA (Health Savings Account), High/Low Deductible, Marketplace – Which Health Care Option is Right for Me?

I qualified for health insurance! This seminar provides a simplified understanding of various health plan options that might be offered, and the meaning of common “jargon” used. Selecting the right health plan will no longer be confusing and stressful.

Retirement Plans

It is not too early to start thinking about and starting a retirement account even though you do not have the money. Depending on the retirement investment, your money can double every five to seven years. This seminar will focus on investment strategies individuals use to save toward retirement or large purchases.

Organizing My Business - How Do I Organize My Side Hustle?

What do I need to keep track of for my business? This seminar we will look at items businesses need to keep, different methods of accounting, and the variety of ways of organizing information and transactions.

How Do I Protect My Side Hustle?

How can I set up my business? We will discuss different organizational structures that can be used for a small business. We will discuss the difference between sole proprietorship, LLC, partnerships, s-corporations, and c-corporations.

Do I Need to Verify Me?

Identity theft is on the rise. Individuals do have control over protecting themself and their families’ personal identities on their tax return. At the conclusion of the seminar, participants will create an IdMe account. The IdMe account allows users to access their IRS records such as income transcripts, balances due, and tax return status.

Do I Need to Have a Will?

What happens to your assets when you pass away? This seminar we will discuss what a Will is and if one is necessary for an individual. We will also discuss trusts and other ways of managing assets for when someone passes away.

Prize Money - How Do I Report My Fun Money?

Is it true, we all need to report our gambling winning? This seminar will discuss what constitutes gambling winnings, how to report winnings, and the consequences of not reporting.